Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Oasis Airline

從Italy回來後,打開箱便見到五封好朋友寄來的郵件通知我Oasis清盤的消息. 多謝關心,好朋友即好朋友,還會封念遠方的我. 小妹來牛津時只買了單程机票,所以未受影響,其實机票open一年會有很多uncertainty, 所以我沒有買回程. 有幸在Oasis有生之年能乘搭一次,可算是千載難蓬.

其實收到這個消息有些不爽,相信李牧師是大好人,也聽聞他們會給折扣予一些海外宣教仕或短宣隊. 真想不通為什麼那麼快使完蛋,好像這麼短線的financial budgeting也做得不像樣似的. 多謝李牧師曾為港人提供廉價机要,想信我幾個月後回來時BA,CX,Quantas的票價已上脹狼多了. 最後,相信這次的大贏家是畢馬威,有一畢可觀的清盤服務收費和在報章上的免費宣傳.


JB said...

We've been praying for Oasis during the last couple of weeks, their staff have even set up 23/7 prayer altar. But God's way is higher than ours, we trust His will be done.

We have a 5 stones (David's) - 5 company's believer prayer group in airport island, we know, it is the entrance of HK, the gateway. We must intercede as a gatekeeper, to proclaim God's Kingdom come through it to bless HK.

Jenny Hui said...

Thanks for your update, praying is crucial. Let's see God's plan on Oasis and HK.