Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Wadham Dinning Hall

Dinner is served in the dinning hall and new refectory during 7:00 to 7:30p.m. If you are arrived after 7:30p.m., sorry, you will have no food. I am afraid that I will still be in business school at 7:30p.m. working on the assignments and projects. Breakfast is served at 8:15 to 9:00a.m., as our business school starts lesson at 8:30a.m., sorry again, I would never have the chance to have breakfast in Wadham.


mc said...

Ah Hui, ok 下次我会小心写啦,或者写中文啦,so that some of the "guai lo" cannot read it.


Jenny Hui said...


我在房裡吃corn flakes or bread as 早歺,如果遲些忙起上就唔食.其實我也習慣唔食早歺. 晚歺就可能一個礼拜可以有兩三次返hostel食,否則食学校的canteen罷了.