Tuesday, October 9, 2007

School starts

終於開学了! +年後重返課室都幾有趣,對我來說並不太陌生,因為在舊公司也常常要上堂,包括accounting and soft skills training,甚至要幫手教書. 不同的昰我上堂時很認真,勁留心,唔會發夢(暫時),因為每科只有八堂,轉眼就過了,並且又係果句,比咗好多学費..... 我們有很多書,articles and case study要預備,如果要睇晒一定唔夠時間,所以要有策略去睇,唔好問我係咩策略,我都唔知,重唸緊.

昨天去完short trip也趕得切返崇拜,因為這裡有很多service 6:30pm才開始,可能是就我們這些人吧. 今次去咗Wadham Chapel,好傳统的,沒有燈,只用candle,黑到差啲詩歌都睇唔到,好似天主教的彌撒. 我唔習慣,所以下個星期會找過另–間,希望參加華人教會. 有╴個現象頗有趣,就是當我們站立崇拜時,我會被前面啲人遮住哂,在香港就少啲机會啦,這裡的人比較高.


diet buddy said...

ha ha, hope you figure out the 策略 very soon.

mc said...

Ah Hui, give you some updates about the Firm. Recently a number of colleagues resigned ar (B and C grades), dim suen.

BTW, ah Ming said that she might go to see you during her trip to London wor. She said she will send email to you la.

Jenny Hui said...

在peak season前大逃亡,點算? 如果冇人係到我返黎都幾「啦嘢」.

我星期四會見到Ah Ming啦,如果有時間我星期日都想去London見下方精精佢地.