Friday, January 4, 2008

The Lord of The Rings

The Lord of the Rings 的塲面頗莊觀,視覺效果一流,但因為時間所限,以致內容情節不深入。對白多,唱歌少。最驚就是那些怪獸在台下觀眾身旁嚇你,我坐在單邊位,勁驚!

Victoria and Albert Museum ("V&A"). It has many many collections, I like it more than British Museum because less people there and the display are more openly arranged. I asked my friend what's the difference between V&A and British Museum, she replies "何能一間專係偷回來,一間係別人送的"。唔,有感嘅可能!!

Tate Modern is the national gallery of international modern and contemporary art and showcases art from 1900 to the present. Many special art work like this crack in the hall.

嘩!乜感似The Lord of The Rings裡面隻怪獸嘅! 我係話後面黑色那隻,不是前面白色嗰隻。


Unknown said...

嘩, 起London 睇musical好抵呀, 在HK都唔止$500 la. 剛剛在New York 睇咗Chicago, 要成US$120, 好貴呀!

Jenny Hui said...

這裡除了Cats & Miss Saigon之外,好似咩都有,感即係又平又方便啦。