Thursday, November 29, 2007

Last lectures in Michaelmas

超級靚仔Finance 1 教授Alexander Guembel,唔教得都睇得.

好有型的Strategy教授Thomas Powell.

好大声教書的Decision Science西班牙藉教授Dolores Romero Morales,把我最討厭的statistic變得有趣. 除了教Financial Reporting 的Tomo以外,我最喜歡她,很熱心教学的.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Harry Potter in Christ Church

Harry Potter souvenir in Christ Church

The Great Staircase : Harry and the new first-years being greeted by Professor MacGoonigal when they enter Hogwart

Christ Church Great Hall became Hogwart's Dinning Room in the film

Christ Church Picture Gallery

Monday, November 26, 2007

Celebrate Assignments Done

Finally, all eleven assignments are done within six weeks. A good time to celebrate in Turf. We are released from being chased by deadlines even though examination is waiting for us.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


"Work hard and play hard" is exactly describing my MBA life. Other than the party and sightseeing tour pictures that you always see, I spent many many hours with my study group members after school and during weekends.
Let me introduce SanTeenThree (Group 27 = 3 cube, see 25 Oct Blog for details) :
Tony (New York)
Parmender (India)
Harsh (India)
Satoko (Japan)
Daniel (Argentina)
Me (Hong Kong)
Today is our final meeting because we have finished the last assignment i.e. Managerial Economics on eBay auction. Goodbye and thanks all for the patience and willingness to share the knowledge/workload during the past seven weeks. Wish we can have good results in week 10 exam.

Ruby's Visit - Blenheim Palace

School uniform in Wadham College: short pants, boots, scarf, backpack

No punting during November, just pretend.............

Thanks for Ruby's visit, this weekend is one of my happiest days in Oxford. I will not forget the never ending walk when leaving Blenheim Palace. Bear in mind that the exit gate closes at 4:30pm and you need to walk at least 30 mins to the other gate, then another 30 mins to the bus stop. Fortunate that we are DEA members who are well trained for expedition. If I have the second chance, I would choose to climb the gate and jump over it.
Welcome other friends to visit me in the future. We have tested that my single bed can accommodate two people (girls) sleeping together.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Practical Work

See how tight the project/assignments submission deadline is. Fortunate that it nearly comes to an end. So many assignments that make my timetable driven by the deadlines passively.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


終於做完Analysis on Vodafone Annual Report, 我的組員靠晒我,所以做到我死,希望有好成績,不會令他們失望. 從這個功課裡我再次認識到自己的決點, 就昰太仔細、太執著、不放心delegate、覺得自己做好過慢慢教人, 結果就是忙到死, 要改善, 不要那麽固執, 否則去到哪家公司打工也是死路一條.

我惜了同学的單車,在coffee break的時候親手(唔放心,都係自己嚟)把報告交去Examination School. 第一次在英国踏單車,要把自己當成私家車,在馬路上行駛,望左望右,所以有點緊張. 有大巴士在身邊經過時便停下來,死咗係英囯就無謂啦! 很掛念在香港的Mini,現在夜走也只是步行,不會搭的士或巴士,非常唔方便. 不過我的朋友很好的,即使他們有單車也會陪我步行,他們唯有落地推單車,很有義氣呢!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy BDay To Yammie

Happy BDay to TVB and Yammie. A gift to you. Please tell me what he is holding, I don't think it is a mortar board. Also ask him to come and share with us how he can successfully find jobs in Lehman Brothers and Macquarie. More importantly, teach people to be a modest I-Banker.

London trip = Shopping trip

多謝Marge從老遠的香港帶來東周、壹仔和便利,我諗我睇一個月也未睇完(真係好忙,無咩時間). 更多謝佢陪我試衫試鞋,要買啲嘢為自己打氣. 突然間好想返工,可以亂花錢.....

事發地點 Bond Street

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Meeting Marge at London

London Transport Museum

Covent Garden Market

National Portrait Gallery

Musical : Desparately Seeking Susan

Very tired now because we chat till 3:30am in the hotel, we have never ending topics especially regarding神童sheep.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Miranda's daughter, Clio Chan, born on 16 Oct. Clio means to praise or to acclaim. A beautiful girl with big eyes in Tiny Oxford bodysuit.

Happy Birthday to my nephew, Joshua.

Very busy this week because I am heading London tomorrow night to visit Marge. There are two big assignments and I worked until 2am and 4am consecutively. Very tired now.................

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Class Photo

Can you search for me?
Ans: middle of last row

Sunday, November 11, 2007

On the way to OCC

Oxford Community Church ("OCC")

Park the bike outside OCC

A multi-ethnic church, can accomodate 1000 people

Coffee corner

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Indian Diwali Night

Mulled Wine Party at RAC

Mulled Wine is a mixture of brandy, ginger, orange juice, sugar and served hot. Smell bad but taste good. Parmender let off the fireworks to celebrate Diwali which is an Indian festival of light, a big festival as Chinese New Year. It is funny that people can buy fireworks easily in UK, and they are more sizable than that in Macau.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

College Advisors' Dinner

Graduate College Advisors' Dinner with Oren Sussman who will teach us Macro Econ in Hilary term. He is highly recommended by senior and people said that your mind-set will change after taking Macro Econ. Let's see. Tar and Mit are not loyal to us because they skipped the dinner as they are not going to select Macro, I will take a revenge to them some day.......

See the menu and my picture with Deepti.