Saturday, October 4, 2008


I haven't blogged for so many days because there was no internet access, I will stop this blog probably before I start working in HK by the end of this month, I think it is time to end this blog after graduating.

Before going to Scotland, I stayed in London for a few days and watched two more musical: Chicago (very poor) & The Wicked (excellent!). Then, we go to Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Inverness. See some snaps of Edinburgh Castel below, it is the best castle I have ever seen, with many museums inside. Not many pictures because I hate taking pictures under cold and windy weather.

The weather is cold here, I catch a cold before coming here, thus, I always feel very sleepy. Fortunately, we hire a car to drive which make life easier. Hertz guys are ridiculously rude, it is quite amazing to see people provide such level of services. My first time drive in UK, not difficult at all; the only problem is we cannot use the GPS properly, even you input the postal code, it still request you to input the street name, very troublesome. Therefore, we wasted a lot of time to drive in Aberdeen, like a treasure hunt today, hunting for castles.


Stan said...'s going to the end!! It's almost been a habit to read this blog in the past year...

Jenny Hui said...

Same here, it's also my habit to write this blog, will miss it.....